Islamika : Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman <p><img style="margin: 0px 20px 0px 0px; float: left; max-width: 300px; max-height: 450px;" src="" alt="Cover Islamika" width="269" height="380" /></p> <div style="text-align: justify;"> <p><strong>Jurnal Islamika: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman</strong> ISSN <a title="2502-7565" href=""><em><strong>2502</strong></em><em><strong>-7565</strong></em></a> (Electronic) ISSN<em><strong> <a href="">1693-8712 </a></strong></em>(Print) <span class="ILfuVd">is a peer-reviewed journal</span> and scientific journal published by Institute for Research and Community Service, <strong><span style="color: #33cccc;">Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kerinci. </span></strong> <strong>The subject covers textual and fieldwork studies with various perspectives of Islamic law, Islamic Economics, Islamic Education, Quran and Sciences, Family Issues, Islamic Culture, Religious Practice, and many more</strong></p> </div> <div style="text-align: justify;"> <p>Authors should submit only papers that have been carefully proofread and polished. Before submission please make sure that your paper is prepared using the journal paper template. The authors must refer to journal writing format and style Please download and use as a template for initial manuscript submission. This will ensure fast processing and publication. Any papers not fulfilling the requirements based on the guideline to authors will not be processed.</p> </div> Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat, Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Kerinci, Jambi en-US Islamika : Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman 1693-8712 Reinterpretasi Relasi Suami Istri dalam Membangun Keharmonisan Rumah Tangga (Sebuah Pendekatan Kontekstual terhadap QS. an-Nisaa' (4): 34) <p><em>This paper will answer the interpretation of QS. an-Nisaa'(4) : 34 with the method offered by Abdullah Saeed, namely contextual interpretation. This study will answer the research questions, first: how the socio-historical context of the verse was revealed and how the reinterpretation of the verse of husband and wife relations above in the modern context. Using qualitative research methods and collecting data from the literature, the study shows that there are four steps Saeed applies in determining contextual interpretation. The first step is encountering the world of the text in general. Second, critical analysis, which is by understanding the text linguistically, literary context, literary form, related texts, and identification of verses that have similar content and meaning. Third, linking the text with the socio-historical context of the time of revelation to find out how the text was understood by the first recipient. Fourth, connecting the text with the present context. The contextual approach to QS. an-Nisaa' (4): 34, which is adapted to current conditions, is expected to reduce the problem of domestic violence triggered by a sense of superiority and lack of understanding of roles in the family.</em></p> Dewi Putri Arifki Budia Warman Wardatun Nabilah Siska Elasta Putri Mami Nofrianti Copyright (c) 2024 Dewi Putri, Arifki Budia Warman, Wardatun Nabilah, Siska Elasta Putri, Mami Nofrianti 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 24 2 164 176 10.32939/islamika.v24i2.4499 The Remarriage in Emete Village: Socio-Economic Impacts and Islamic Law Perspectives <p><em>Remarriages are often found in big cities or developed regions. However, the phenomenon of remarriage is common in a remote village in Emete Village, Obaa District, Mappi Regency, South Papua Province. This study investigates the phenomenon of remarriage among women in Emete Village, Obaa District, Mappi Regency, South Papua, focusing on the socio-economic and cultural dynamics that drive such practices and their implications under Islamic law. Unlike the widely studied contexts of urban and developed regions, remarriages in this remote village present unique challenges and cultural nuances. The study explores key questions: what factors compel women in Emete Village to remarry, and how do these marriages align with Islamic principles? Utilizing qualitative research with an ethnographic approach, data were collected through in-depth interviews, observations, and analysis of religious and social practices. The findings reveal two forms of remarriage: those following legal divorces and those occurring without formal divorce, each shaped by economic pressures, failed previous marriages, and the quest for social recognition. Further, the study underscores the significant legal, social, and economic implications, including non-compliance with iddah (waiting period) rules, lack of financial justice, and risks associated with unregistered marriages. These practices challenge Islamic principles concerning fairness, legal status, and protection for women and children. This research contributes to the broader discourse on Islamic family law by highlighting the need for integrative socio-religious solutions to address the complexities of remarriage in remote communities. </em></p> Andi Wardah Faisal Faisal Ade Yamin Copyright (c) 2024 Andi Wardah, Faisal Faisal, Ade Yamin 2025-01-03 2025-01-03 24 2 177 192 10.32939/islamika.v24i2.4538 Tahir dalam Al-Qur’an (Analisis Komparatif Tafsir Ruh Al-Ma’any dan Mafatih Al-Ghaib) pada Surat Al-Muddassir dan Al-Hajj <p><em>The purpose of this research is to describe tahir in the Qur'an (comparative analysis of the tafsir of the spirit of al-ma'any and mafatih al-ghaib). The research method used in this study is a literature study with a qualitative approach. The data used in this study is the holy book of the Qur'an, precisely in Surah al-Muddassir and Surah Al-Hajj along with the interpretation of the spirit of al-Ma'any by Mahmud Al-alusi and Mafatih al-Ghaib by Imam Fakhruddin Ar-Razi. The results of this study show that Tafsir Mafatih Al-Ghaib to understand the meaning of purification with various kinds of discussions according to the situation. Meanwhile, the Tafsir Ruh Al-Ma'any emphasizes that the command to purify oneself from reprehensible morals.</em></p> Abdul Razhak Norfaridatunnisa Norfaridatunnisa Taufik Warman Mahfuz Copyright (c) 2024 Abdul Razhak, Norfaridatunnisa, Taufik Warman Mahfuz 2025-01-03 2025-01-03 24 2 193 205 10.32939/islamika.v24i2.4310 Peran Nahdlatul Ulama dalam Upaya Mencegah Paham Radikalisme dalam Bernegara <p><em>Radicalism has recently become an interesting discourse, where the existence of radicalism is a central issue in the opinion of Nahdlatul Ulama. The purpose of this research is to find out the role of Nahdlatul Ulama in couneteracting radicalism. This study uses Roxanne L Euben theory of radicalism which is used to dissect the phenomenon of radicalism and Robert Hefner civil society theory which is used to explain the role of Nahdlatul Ulama as a civil society group in the field. This study uses a qualitative research method with a phenomenological approch. The results of this study show that radicalism in the interpretation of Nahdlatul Ulama has a tone such as thearts, violence, acts of terrorism and efforts made by Nahdlatul Ulama in preventing and reducing radicalism from developing.</em></p> Mahfudotullah Mahfudotullah Yeby Ma'asan Mayrudin Copyright (c) 2024 Mahfudotullah Mahfudotullah, Yeby Ma'asan Mayrudin 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 24 2 206 223 10.32939/islamika.v24i2.3903 Perlawanan Terhadap Genosida: Analisis Dampak Fatwa MUI Tentang Boikot Perusahaan Terafiliasi Israel <p><em>The Palestinian-Israeli conflict has been raging for decades, triggering a global response including a boycott of products affiliated with Israel. The issuance of MUI fatwa number 83 of 2023 encouraged the Muslim community to support the Palestinian cause through boycott actions to suppress the economic power of pro-Israel companies. This study aims to analyze the impact of the MUI fatwa on the revenue of companies affiliated with Israel and understand the motivation and impact of changes in consumer consumption behavior that follow the boycott. The analysis was conducted by combining interview results and financial statement data to provide a comprehensive picture. The results show that religious, moral and social factors make consumers participate in boycotting products affiliated with Israel. This change in consumer consumption behavior is reflected in the financial statement data of PT Mitra Adiperkasa Tbk, which experienced a decrease in revenue from Rp 1.489 trillion to Rp 413.991 billion after the MUI fatwa number 83 of 2023. This shows that MUI's fatwa is able to become a moral guideline for consumers to support Palestine by suppressing the economic power of companies affiliated with Israel. This research provides insight into the influence of sharia fatwa on consumer behavior and its impact on company revenue.</em></p> Amirotul Makrufah Fahrurrozi Fahrurrozi Copyright (c) 2024 Amirotul Makrufah, Fahrurrozi Fahrurrozi 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 24 2 224 237 10.32939/islamika.v24i2.4498 Transformasi Pemenuhan Adat Pernikahan Suku Dayak Siang : Perspektif Antropologi Hukum Islam <p><em>Koroketon Beti is a customary gift that a prospective groom is obligated to give to his bride-to-be, equivalent to the Islamic concept of a dowry. The Regulations of Dayak Siang Murung Customary Law in Murung Raya Regency stipulate in Article III that Koroketon Beti can be fulfilled through a monetary payment. This research aims to investigate the shift from the traditional requirement of providing specific goods to the current practice of monetary fulfillment in this customary law. This study employs a normative legal research approach, focusing on the inventory of Dayak Siang customary law and Islamic law in Tanah Siang District, Murung Raya Regency, Central Kalimantan Province. The research findings indicate that the provision of Koroketon Beti in customary marriages is a mandatory requirement and a sign of respect from the prospective groom to the bride. This shift reflects the inevitable dynamics of culture, which must be managed wisely to preserve traditional values in modern life. Textually, Islamic law does not mandate the provision of Koroketon Beti; instead, it requires a dowry. However, the practice of providing Koroketon Beti is permissible as it does not contradict Islamic law and has been a long-standing custom.</em></p> Akhmad Syahroni Abdul Helim Ardi Akbar Tanjung Muhammad Wahdini Copyright (c) 2024 Akhmad Syahroni, Abdul Helim, Ardi Akbar Tanjung, Muhammad Wahdini 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 24 2 238 254 10.32939/islamika.v24i2.4561 Eksistensi Masjid Asasi Terhadap Perkembangan Pendidikan di Pesantren Thawalib Gunung Kota Padang Panjang <p><em>The aim of this research is to describe the developments that have occurred at the Thawalib Gunung Islamic Boarding School and the relationship between the Islamic boarding school and the Asasi Mosque in Padang Panjang City. This research is historical research which consists of four stages with steps: heuristics, source criticism, synthesis, and writing. Apart from using archives, this research uses data collected through interviews and observations. The conclusion of the research shows that the Thawalib Gunung Islamic Boarding School was founded on April 21 1921 with the name Islamic Islamic Boarding School, the forerunner to the establishment of this Islamic Boarding School was inseparable from the influence of Surau Asasi which at that time was established in the Gunung area of </em><em>​​</em><em>Padang Panjang City. Asasi Mosque as a place of education is to provide religious knowledge, especially for the sons and daughters of the Nagari Gunung community. From a mosque, the community wanted the establishment of an Islamic boarding school with the name Pondok Pesantren Thawalib Gunung.</em></p> <p><em> </em></p> Leli Indra Beti Genta Vebdilla Yahdy Pisdoni Mardianto Copyright (c) 2024 Leli Indra Beti Leli Indra Beti, Genta Vebdilla Yahdy, Pisdoni Mardianto 2025-01-04 2025-01-04 24 2 255 270 10.32939/islamika.v24i2.4507 Dinamika Lembaga Pendidikan Islam di Pasaman Barat (Studi Kasus SMP Islam Terpadu Tahun 2008-2022) <p>This research is motivated by the existence of an integrated Islamic education institution in West Pasaman Regency which emerged in 2008. The focus of this research is on the history of the establishment of Integrated Islamic Junior High School and its influence on the lives of the people of West Pasaman. This research was conducted using historical research methods with the steps of heuristics, source criticism, synthesis and historiography. Assisted by the use of social change theory to see the phenomena that occur and as an analysis knife. The results of this study reveal that the presence of Darul Hikmah IT Junior High School since 2008 and Al-Kahfi IT Junior High School in 2017 has given a new color to the world of education in West Pasaman. The existence of integrated Islamic schools has influenced various aspects of community life, including religion, education, politics, economy and culture. In the economic field, IT Junior High School has an impact on increasing the standard of living of the people of West Pasaman for the better. In the field of education itself, it can be seen from the addition of new educational institutions that imitate the learning patterns applied in Integrated Islamic Junior High School. In the political field, visible changes in the development of human resources such as teachers and students at IT Junior High School through leadership training and the formation of an IT Junior High School organizational network within the scope of the Integrated Islamic School Network (JSIT), JSIT is motivated by political parties and political party cadres. In addition, the fulfillment of IT Junior High School facilities and amenities is also assisted by political parties and political activists. With this political role, it then has an impact on improving facilities and infrastructure that affect the development of schools.</p> <p> </p> Masfalinda Masfalinda Danil Mahmud Chaniago Yulfira Riza Copyright (c) 2024 Masfalinda, Danil Mahmud Chaniago, Yulfira Riza 2025-01-03 2025-01-03 24 2 271 288 10.32939/islamika.v24i2.4541 Analisis Nilai-Nilai Moderasi Beragama dalam Buku Ajar Al-Qur’an Hadis Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Terbitan Kemenag RI 2020 <p>This research analyzes the values of religious moderation in the Al-Qur'an-Hadith Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) teaching book published by the Ministry of Religion in 2020 for classes I-VI. Even though the teaching book includes moderate values, the delivery of the material is not optimal and needs further explanation so that students can receive it well. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method based on library research, categorizing themes related to religious moderation, frequency calculations, and conversion to percentages. The research results show that this book generally contains moderate values, such as civility (ta'addub), exemplary (qudwah), citizenship and nationality (muwatanah), taking the middle path (tawassuṭ), balance (tawazun), straight and firm (i'tidal), deliberation (syura), equality (musawah), tolerance (tasamuh), and dynamic and innovative (tathawwur wa ibtikar). However, these values are mostly not mentioned explicitly in textbooks. One of the values, deliberation (musyawarah), has not been found in the Basic Competencies (KD) or available materials.</p> Imronudin Imronudin Andi Husni Mubarok Copyright (c) 2024 Imronudin, Andi Husni Mubarok 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 24 2 289 304 10.32939/islamika.v24i2.4867 The Implications of the Bai’at of the Sammaniyah Tarekat on the Competence of Educators, in Jambi, Indonesia <p>This study aims to explore the process of Bai’at of educators in the Sammaniyah Tariqah and its implications for changes in educator competence in Jambi Province, Indonesia. This study used a qualitative approach with phenomenological methods. The research participants consisted of four educators who had participated in the Bai’at process of Sammaniyah Tariqah. Data were collected through semi-structured and unstructured interviews. Data analysis was conducted using a thematic analysis approach that refers to Braun and Clarke's theory through six steps: data coding, theme identification, review, theme naming, and reporting. The results show that the Bai’at process involves two main stages: first, the process of commitment or agreement made by the educator to carry out his duties and responsibilities with full seriousness, covering aspects of ethics, morals, and dzikr practice according to the stages set by the murshid. Second, the implication of this Bai’at is an increase in confidence and deep knowledge in education. The recommendation from this study is the need for continuous training for educators to maximize the benefits of Bai’at in educational practice.</p> Usman Usman A’zhami Alim Usman Arpan Zaman Copyright (c) 2024 Usman Usman, A’zhami Alim Usman, Arpan Zaman 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 24 2 305 317 10.32939/islamika.v24i2.4830