• Mardeli UIN Raden Fatah Palembang
  • Sukirman UIN Raden Fatah Palembang


As a teacher, teachers must determine learning methods that they think can enable students to learn so that they can achieve learning goals effectively. The teacher can choose the learning method by considering the material and learning objectives. This research was conducted to describe the ability of Islamic Religious Education teachers in developing teaching methods, analyze the supporting and inhibiting factors for Islamic Religious Education teachers in developing teaching methods, and apply the methods used by Islamic Religious Education teachers in developing teaching methods in State Middle Schools throughout the city of Palembang. This research is field research with descriptive qualitative quantitative methods so that data can be obtained empirically. This research was carried out in public junior high schools throughout the city of Palembang which are spread across Kemuning District, Ilir Barat I District, Ilir Barat II District, Ilir Timur I District and Ilir Timur II District. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, questionnaires and documentation. Meanwhile, data analysis techniques use data reduction, verification and conclusion drawing. Islamic Education teachers at SMPN Sekota Palembang have fulfilled the components of teacher pedagogical competition. This is characterized by what PAI teachers have implemented at SMPN Sekota Palembang in accordance with the elements of pedagogical competency in national education standards. Supporting factors for Islamic Religious Education Teachers in developing teaching methods include facilities and infrastructure, textbooks, classroom conditions, and the teacher as an educator. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factors are leadership type, personality, knowledge, limited opportunities for teachers to understand the behavior and background of students, families and facilities. The Islamic religious education teacher's efforts to develop teaching methods at SMPN Sekota Palembang are to talk about interesting and fun things.


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