Intelektual Minangkabau: Peranan Buya H. Mansur Dalam Bidang Pendidikan dan Politik

  • kori muslim UIN Bukittinggi
  • Hurriyatus Sa'adiyah UIN Bukittinggi
  • Vivi Yulia Nora UIN Bukittinggi


The purpose of this paper is to analyze the role of H. Mansur Datuak Nagari Basa, who is still not widely known by the public that he is a scholar who has a great work and influence in a religious thought and movement in Minangkabau, especially in the field of education and politics. The fundamental question of this article is how the life and gait of Buya H. His intellectual and political leanings. The research method used is the historical research method through four stages, namely heuristic, source criticism, systesis and historiography. His discovery was Muhammad Jumin or known as Buya H. Mansur is a scholar who has a very influential intellectual footprint in Kamang Mudiak and in West Sumatra, it can be seen from the contribution of Buya H. Mansur Datuak Nagari Basa striking in the field of Fiqh and Sufism contained in his works as well as in the tarekat. In the field of education he pioneered educational institutions in Nagari Surau Koto Samiak or Nagari Kamang Mudiak, in the field of politics he became a member of the PERTI Party and a member of the Constituent Assembly and founded laskar Muslim Indonesia (LASMI).


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