Keywords: Accounting Understanding, Accounting System Utilization, and ProductivityAbstract Purpose: This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of understanding accounting and the use of accounting information systems on increasing productivity at PT. Sawitindo Jambi products. Design/Methodology/Approach: The research method used is descriptive quantitative analysis with primary data through surveys, multiple linear regression analysis tools. Findings: The results showed that simultaneously showed that the variables of accounting understanding and accounting system utilization together had a positive and significant effect on increasing productivity at PT. Sawitindo Jambi products. while partially showing that the variable of accounting understanding has a positive and significant effect on increasing the productivity of PT. Sawitindo Jambi products. and the variable of accounting system utilization has a positive and significant effect on increasing productivity at PT. Sawitindo Jambi products. Research Implications: The implication of the research results is that the company should conduct a review of the understanding of accounting and the use of AIS in making financial reports so that the productivity of the company's financial statements can continue to be improved.
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