Pembinaan Sikap Toleransi Beragama Melalui Kegiatan Remaja Masjid di Desa Tutung Bungkuk Kecamatan Siulak

  • Fiona Safira Elzetri FTIK IAIN Kerinci
  • Hedi Rusman Hedi IAIN Kerinci
Keywords: Coaches, Fostering Attitude, Mosque Youth.


Tutung Bungkuk Village, which was once steeped in community traditions, must now be transformed into a modern village. Over time, village development was driven by rapid development from non-native immigrants. This requires coaching for teenagers as the next generation to be ready to accept, appreciate and respect everything that comes to the village. This research aims to find out: forms of tolerance between fellow mosque youth members, the efforts of mosque youth coaches in fostering attitudes of religious tolerance, as well as obstacles and solutions for mosque youth coaches in fostering attitudes of religious tolerance. The research approach used is descriptive qualitative. The research subjects consisted of 10 people, namely members, administrators, village heads, supervisors, mosque administrators, and parents of teenagers. The results of the research show: forms of tolerance among mosque youth members, the efforts of mosque youth coaches, as well as obstacles and solutions for mosque youth coaches in fostering attitudes of religious tolerance.


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