Thoughts And Work Of Rasuna Said 'Lioness' Minangkabau, Women's Emancipation And Indonesia's Independence

  • Fikri Surya Pratama Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang
Keywords: emancipation of women; feminism; gender equality; Rasuna Said; Minangkabau.


The conditions of colonial Minangkabau society presented social injustices for women. Such as the unequality of education, became divorce victims and the injustice of polygamy practices. Therefore, one of the heroes such as Rasuna Said changed the stigma of Minangkabau women not only playing a big role in the domestic sphere (home) but also playing a role in the public sphere. This research method uses historical research with analysis using a character study approach. The research data was collected using literature review techniques. The findings showed that Rasuna did not question the concept of differences between men and women, but about the injustice done to women by the unjust interpretations and actions of irresponsible parties regarding the differences between men and women. In order to achieve her goals, she did so through education and then maximised it through political movements. This finding can have implications for changing the mindset of contemporary Indonesian Muslim women that the emancipation movement does not mean a free-fall into Western liberal values, but a movement to change the mindset of those who misuse and misinterpret the meaning of differences and advantages of men in traditional culture and the teachings of Islam itself.


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