Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines can be download here


  1. Papers:
  • On the boundary of Quran or Hadith Studies
  • Non-plagiarism,
  • Never and not being published in other journals,
  • Prioritized on based empirical research,
  • Written in Indonesia or English (using Microsoft Word, Garamond 12, 1,5 space, A4)
  • Submit to:
  • Reference must be given in bodynote and use APA Style.
  1. The identity of papers requires; title, full name(s) of the author(s), affiliation, email, abstract (200 words in one paragraph, at least it includes: purpose, method, results of research, conclusion, impact), and keywords (3-5 words).
  2. The contents of papers for empirical research consist of Introduction, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, and Bibliography.
  3. Introduction consisting of background, literature review (to arrange the state of the art), purpose and problem formulation, and method of research.
  4. Result and Discussion inform a number of important data (original) field which obtained from the questionnaires, surveys, documents, interviews, observations and other data collection techniques. It can be completed with table or graphics to clarify the result. All figures and tables should be centered and numbered consecutively. Tables (refer to Table 1, Table 2,…) should be presented above the table contain in center alignment. A descriptive title should be placed after table title (refer to Table 1, Table 2,…) above each table. The source of the table should be placed on the table in the right alignment. Figures and tables should be mentioned in the related text.
  5. Conclusion: write succinctly and clearly the result of research then describe the logical consequence in developing Quran or Hadith Studies. Conclusion is not indented and uses bolded Garamond 12.
  6. Bibliography consists of reference and citations refer to the APA style by using manager reference (Mendeley/Zotero).