Term Tijarah dalam Perspektif al-Qur’an (Studi Tafsir al-Munir)

  • Boni Satria IAIN Kerinci
  • Samsul Bahry IAIN Kerinci
  • Fauzi Fauzi IAIN Kerinci


This study discusses “Term Tijarah in the Perspective of the Qur’an (Study of Tafsir Al-Munir)”. The main problem that arises in this recearch is how to interpret or understand Wahbah Az-Zuhaili about the tijarah verses in Al-Munir’s Tafsir. This study aims to reveal the terms of tijarah in the Qur’an which are described into two sub-problems, namely: First, to explain the terms of tijarah in the Qur’an. Second, how is Wahbah Az-Zuhaili interprentation of the tijarah verses in Tafsir Al-Munir. This research is a library research (library). To answer the problems conteined in this study, the authour uses the thematic Tafsir method (Maudhu’i), which is to explain the content of the verses of the Qur’an by collecting verses from various suras related to one topic or theme to be discussed. The results of this study indicate that tijarah has two meanings,namely: First, the term tijarah in the Qur’an which has the meaning of material trade, Second, the term tijarah in the Qur’an which has the meaning of non-material trade. Wahbah Az-Zuhaili gives an interpretation that a trader/business actor in carrying out trading activities must be in accordance with the shari’a and avoid justifying any maens to seek the greatest profit, but the most improtant thing is to seek pleasure and achieve blessing for the sustenance given. may Allah SWT.


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