1. The journal invites scholars and experts working in all disciplines of sharia economic law and Islamic economics
2. Articles must be original, based on research, unpublished and not being reviewed for possible publication in other journals.
3. Articles must be written in Indonesian, Arabic, English or other international languages.
4. The text contains scientific studies of sharia economics and Islamic economics
5. Submissions must contain the following elements:
A. Title aligned to the left using garamond letters. with a font size of 14 points.
B. Author's name (without academic degree), author's affiliation and email for easy communication.
C. Abstract; in English
D. The abstract contains a maximum of 100-250 words.
e. Keywords between 3-7 concepts.
6. Paper format:
A. Introduction: explains the theoretical background, related research, literature review, practical application and the nature and purpose of the article.
C. Method: explains the type of research, participants, materials and procedures used in the research such as data treatment and analysis.
D. Results and Discussion: Results must be clear and concise. Discussions should explore the importance of deliverables, not rehash them. A combination of Results and Discussion sections is often appropriate. Extensive citations and discussions of published literature should be avoided.
e. Conclusion: The main conclusions of the research can be presented in a short conclusion section, which can stand alone or in the form of a discussion subsection or Results and Discussion section.
F. References: Each reference listed is cited in the text, and non-research papers contain the main theme, logical development of the theme, author's point of view, implications, conclusion, or conclusion.
7. Manuscripts submitted must follow the rules for writing scientific papers and pay attention to the following provisions:
A. The manuscript is typed in garamond letters
B. Font size 12.5 points.
C. Manuscripts should be typed with 1.15 spaces.
D. The manuscript is typed on A4 paper.
e. The manuscript contains 4,500 - 6,000 words (maximum) including abstract and references.
8. The submitted article contains a manuscript file, sent via OJS at https://ejournal.iainkerinci.ac.id/index.php/aiconomia
9. Foreign language words or phrases are written in italics, while Arabic-Latin transliteration refers to Arabic-Indonesian transliteration in accordance with Ministerial Decree 2.
10. Compound words (idhafiyah) are written separately for words, for example Al-Islam wa Ushul al-Hukm, al'is al-ijtima'iyah.
11. All publications cited in the text must be included in the reference list. Make sure that any references cited in the text are included in the reference list or vice versa.
12. Writing the bodynote contains the author's name, year of publication using delay, in APA (American Psychological Association) style. example: (Iska, 2005).
13. Your manuscript references must be current (within the last 5 to 10 years and a minimum of 20 references, 80% of which come from primary sources/journals of international reputation) and your references can be accessed by anyone. The author is responsible for ensuring that the information in each reference is complete and accurate. All references must be cited in the text; otherwise, these references will be automatically removed.
14. Bibliography is alphabetical, chronological, using Mendeley and selecting the 7th edition of the American Psychological Association (APA) style. For example:
Brechin, J. (2013). Study of the Use of Sharia Law in Religious Arbitration in England and Its Concerns for Human Rights. Journal of Ecclesiastical Law, 15(3), 293–315. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0956618X13000434
Fadhli, A., & Warman, AB (2021). 'Reason for Concern' Regarding the Legal Determination of Marriage Dispensation in the Batusangkar Religious Court. 'Reason for Concern' Regarding the Decision on Marriage Dispensation in the Batusangkar Religious Court. Al-Ahwal, 14(2), 146–158. https://doi.org/10.14421/ahwal.2021.14203
Kamali, MH (2020). Actualization (Taf'il) of High Goals (Maqasid) of Sharia. International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies (IAIS).
Nasution, K. (2005). Women's Rights in Indonesian Islamic Family Law. Unisia, 28(56), 192–204. https://doi.org/10.20885/unisia.vol28.iss56.art10
Smith, S. C. (2011). Crowdsourcec
ing sharia: Digital fiqh and changing discourses of textual authority, individual reason, and social coercion. Georgetown University.
15. The procedure for presenting quotations, references, tables and pictures follows the provisions of the General Guidlines for Enhanced Indonesian Spelling (Depdikbud, 1987). Articles in English use standard styles.
16. The author of the article is given the opportunity to revise the manuscript based on recommendations/suggestions from bestari partners or editors.
17. Articles that do not meet the writing guidelines and have many errors will be rejected by the editor. The editor does not accept hard copy submissions. Juris articles in the online version in pdf format can be opened and accessed for free in this journal.
18. Everything related to licensing for citation or the use of computer software for manuscripts or other matters related to intellectual property rights carried out by the author of the article, as well as any legal consequences that may arise because of it, is the full responsibility of the author of the article.
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Published by: Faculty of Shariah