Jam Hijriah: Konsep Permulaan Hari dalam Pemikiran E. Darmawan Abdullah
Abstract There are various views regarding the beginning of the day, both from the perspective of jurisprudence and astronomy. The study of the beginning of the day has long been of concern to previous researchers. The beginning of the day is closely related to the calendar, so existing writings always associate the beginning of the day with the calendar system. In particular, this paper seeks to explain the concept of the Hijriah Hour which is then analyzed in order to find out whether the use of the concept is possible and to find out how the concept of the Hijriah Hour is related to the concept of the beginning of the day. This research is a library research with qualitative analysis methods. The primary source in this study was the book Jam Hijriah by E. Darmawan Abdullah, which was supplemented by other supporting books and writings. After being analyzed, it was found that the Hijri Clock concept would be difficult to use globally. However, the concept of this Hijri Hour is in line with the view of the sunset in the concept of the beginning of the day. But the difference here is that in the Hijri calendar it only makes maghrib a change of day, not a change of hours. While the concept of the Hijri Hour requires that maghrib is the momentum of the change of day as well as the change of hours.
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