The Opportunity to Learn Euclidean Geometry in Two Mathematics Textbooks of Tenth Grade in South Africa
Abstract Textbooks play a central role in the teaching and learning of mathematics. In some schools, textbooks serve as the only resource material available to teachers and students. Nevertheless, little is known about the learning opportunities in mathematics textbooks in most countries. This study investigated the opportunities to learn Euclidean Geometry in two textbooks of tenth-grade mathematics in South Africa. It examined the content coverage, content organization, and the types of tasks used in teaching the topic in the textbooks. This study followed a case study research design and a qualitative approach. The Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement's (CAPS) grade 10 Euclidean geometry curriculum and Gracin's mathematical activity types served as frameworks for the analyses. The data were analyzed following the deductive content analysis approach. The result shows that the contents of Euclidean geometry were well covered in both textbooks following the curriculum, and the contents were presented in logical and sequential order to enhance learning. In addition, it was found that the tasks in the textbooks were predominantly of argumentation and reasoning type. It was concluded that the textbooks offer sufficient opportunities for learning Euclidean geometry as specified in the curriculum for the grade level. However, the inclusion of a broader range of tasks in the future editions of the textbooks was recommended.
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