Konsep Kata Al-Basyar dan Kandungan Akhlak dalam Al-Qur’an

  • Busrizal Busrizal Mahasiswa Pasca Sarjana IAIN Kerinci
  • Jalwis Jalwis IAIN Kerinci


The humans in the Qur'an are mentioned in several terms, including: an-Insan, al-Basyar, an-Nas, Bani Adam, 'Abdullah, Khalifatullah. If examined from a linguistic point of view, these terms describe humans in terms of their duties and functions. The term human in the Qur'an refers to the word al-Basyar, this is due to the context of the language or the term in the general public is not yet familiar or rarely heard of. The purpose of this study is to be able to interpret the word basyar in the Koran, classify the word basyar in the verses of the Koran, and categorize these verses as revealed by the makkiyah and madaniyah groups, and examine the moral content in the verses related to terms al-Basyar and Basyar. Types of library research (library research). The word basyar means the offspring of Adam (bani adam), living creatures physically or biologically. The physical aspect refers to the notion of basyar including Adam's offspring as a whole, while from the biological aspect, al-basyar implies that humans experience the process of sexual reproduction and always strive to fulfill all their biological needs, require space and time, and are subject to natural laws, whether in the form of sunnatullah (social community), as well as God's destiny (natural law). Of the 37 times the word al-basyar is repeated in the Qur'an, only 4 times is it mentioned in the Madaniyah surahs, namely in Q.S. Ali 'Imran 3:47 and 79, Q.S. Al-Maidah 5:18 and Q.S. Al-Taghabun/64:6, while 33 times it is mentioned in the Makkaniyah surahs. Morals in the terms Al-Basyar and Basyar, there are several commendable morals of Rasulullah SAW such as patience, siddiq, and trustworthiness and commendable morals in humans such as Patience, Sincerity, Maintaining self-purity, istikamah, Taqwa, and Gratitude while human morals are despicable, namely Shirk, Kufr, Takabur.


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