Pelestarian Adat Bapanteh pada Tradisi Pernikahan Masyarakat Desa Hiang Kabupaten Kerinci

  • Nurulaja Izzati IAIN Kerinci
  • Nurzarina Ajira IAIN Kerinci
  • Norman Ohira IAIN Kerinci


The people of Kerinci in general used to be supporters of the bapanteh tradition. However, with the development of the times, society has also made many changes to keep up with the times. But it is different from the Hiang people who still carry out the bapanteh tradition. The stages in the research on bapanteh include, literature study, observation, and interviews. According to the Hiang people, this bapanteh tradition cannot be abandoned in accordance with the old pusako saying where old customs cannot be abandoned or eliminated. The results of this study are that first, in the bapanteh tradition, there are very many mutual cooperation values, and there are also family values ​​and a sense of mutual help which is very clearly manifested. Second, the bapenteh tradition carried out by the Hiang people as a manifestation of the actions taken when they are about to carry out a wedding ceremony, this bapanteh tradition is used to interpret, encourage and create actions or in another sense as a guideline for action.


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