Sosialisasi Pengelolaan dan Daur Ulang Sampah Rumah Tangga; Kolaborasi Antara Pustakawan dan Mahasiswa Teknik
Abstrak Population growth occurs and causes a massive surge in waste, including in the village. Currently the performance of waste recycling is still low, diverting waste into reusable. This paper focuses on how to build partnerships in this area and information needs of society. Through collaboration between students and librarians, it effectively provides community empowerment in achieving the goal of how the community can process household waste and cooperate with (UMKM) Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises to market their products and earn additional income. Students go through the community services (KKN) program, which is a mandatory program for undergraduate students in Indonesia before completing their education. It’s need for students to devote themselves to the community as a form of implementing material deepening and “tri dharma” of higher education, namely teaching, research, and service. This program is in accordance with the main objective of reducing waste by building facilities that are useful and needed for the community. Librarians and students are directly involved with the communities they serve in various village activities by providing socialization and direct, examples of managing waste. This community empowerment activity is expected to be very beneficial for the library, community, and students. In particular, libraries also develop social inclusion programs that have been designed and become the program focus of the national library. This activity consists of various disciplines from one university, so they can complement each other. Located in Maospati, East Java, one of the villages selected for the Community Service Program is a unique village because it contains a very diverse community from various tribes and cultures.
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