• Daflizar Daflizar Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kerinci
  • Heri Mudra Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kerinci
  • Teddy Agustian Diakbar Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kerinci
Keywords: Fun English, Speaking, Writing, Recitation Methods, Vocabulary, Orphans, English


This PKM activity aims to improve the ability to speak English, motivation, and concentration of participants in English learning. This activity is titled Fun English, which is a fun English learning activity using the method of recitation to deliver English learning materials. This service activity is focused on speaking skills and writing skills specifically on mastery of vocabulary in simple sentences. Participants who followed were special daughters with secondary school education backgrounds (SMP/SMA/SMK). The achievement of the results of this PKM is the increase in the ability of participants in mastering English vocabulary (in the topic or material taught). Participants have been able to say several vocabulary correctly. Participants have understood how to write simple sentences correctly and are able to speak (read dialogue). Finally, the concentration and motivation of participants also increased, this is evident from the results of the eveluation of activities in post-test. Thus, participants also felt happy and did not feel awkward while participating in all Fun English activities at this PKM.


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