Archieving Policy

JDIME (Journal of Development and Innovation in Mathematics Education) stores back issues and current articles (archives) are stored in IAIN Kerinci repository server, the university's Local Content Collection and all of them are digitally will be submitted to Indonesian National Library's Indonesia OneSearch and Garuda: Garda Rujukan Digital Indonesia. Published issues are also sent to LIPI (Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia) the Indonesian Institute of Sciences to be retained in its repository. 

Repository Policy

The repository policy for the JDIME: Journal of Development and Innovation in Mathematics Education at the IAIN Kerinci Repository emphasizes open access and scholarly dissemination. The journal follows a green open access model, allowing authors to self-archive their preprints and postprints. This policy aligns with the broader movement toward increased accessibility of academic research. Additionally, the repository ensures the long-term preservation of these materials, contributing to the overall integrity of scholarly communication. The guidelines set by the repository are crucial in fostering a collaborative and transparent academic environment. For more detailed and specific information regarding the repository policy, interested parties can refer to the official website at This platform provides a comprehensive overview of the policies and procedures in place, supporting the commitment to open access and the advancement of mathematics education research.